1/6 Thaler Principato di Ansbach (1398–1792) Argento Giovanni Fed ...

1678, Brandeburgo-Ansbach, John Frederick. Moneta d'argento da 1/6 tallero (1/4 fiorino). Anno di zecca: 1678
Riferimento: KM-82.
Denominazione: 1/6 Tallero (1/4 Fiorino) Diametro: 30mm
Peso: 6,02 g
Materiale: Argento
Diritto: Busto di John Frederick a destra, denominazione (1/6) sotto il braccio troncato.
Legenda: IOH . FR . DG. M . MARCA . MAG: (1/6) *
Verso: Stemma multiplo coronato del Brandeburgo-Ansbach tra foglie.
Legenda: PR . D . B . NOR . - . PR . HALB . M . C . 16 – 78 .
Il Principato di Ansbach (in tedesco: Fürstentum Ansbach) o Brandenburg-Ansbach era un principato reichsfrei nel Sacro Romano Impero incentrato sulla città bavarese di Ansbach. I principi Hohenzollern regnanti del territorio erano noti come margravi, poiché il principato era un margravato (ma non una marca).
Johann Friedrich, margravio di Brandeburgo-Ansbach (18 ottobre 1654 – 22 marzo 1686), succedette al padre Albrecht V come margravio nel 1667. Sposò la sua seconda moglie Eleanor Erdmuthe Louise di Sassonia-Eisenach il 4 novembre 1681. La loro figlia Wilhelmine Charlotte Caroline, margravina di Brandeburgo-Ansbach (Carolina di Ansbach) sposò Giorgio II di Gran Bretagna prima che diventasse re.



6  monete nel gruppo

(340 X 166 pixel, dimensione del file: ~18K)
Postato da: spider  2014-05-18
KM# 82 1/6 THALER (1/4 Gulden)Silver Ruler: Johann Friedrich Germany BRANDENBURG-ANSBACH 1676 1677 1678 1679

(1537 X 710 pixel, dimensione del file: ~262K)
Postato da: anonymous  2018-02-13
1679, Brandenburg-Ansbach, John Frederick. Silver 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Coin. VF+ He was the father of the Queen Caroline of England. R! Mint Year: 1679 Reference: KM-82. Denomination: 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Condition: Bent by the roller-dies, which have produced this coin, minor m ...

(1365 X 640 pixel, dimensione del file: ~218K)
Postato da: anonymous  2019-12-20
1678, Brandenburg-Ansbach, John Frederick. Silver 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Coin. He was the father of the Queen Caroline of England. R! Mint Year: 1678 Reference: KM-82. Denomination: 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Condition: Small mint-made clupping at 6 o'clock, olightly bent by the roller-d ...

(1057 X 480 pixel, dimensione del file: ~126K)
Postato da: anonymous  2015-02-17
1676, Brandenburg-Ansbach, John Frederick. Silver 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Coin. VF He was the father of the Queen Caroline of England. R! Mint Year: 1676 Reference: KM-82. Denomination: 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Condition: Bent by the roller-dies, which have produced this issue, ot ...

(1537 X 721 pixel, dimensione del file: ~222K)
Postato da: anonymous  2018-09-11
1678, Brandenburg-Ansbach, John Frederick. Silver 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Coin. aXF! He was the father of the Queen Caroline of England. R! Mint Year: 1678 Reference: KM-82. Denomination: 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Condition: Bent by the roller-dies, which have produced this coin, mino ...

(3205 X 1495 pixel, dimensione del file: ~938K)
Postato da: anonymous  2024-09-02
1678, Brandenburg-Ansbach, John Frederick. Silver 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Coin. He was the father of the Queen Caroline of England. R! Mint Year: 1678 Reference: KM-82. Denomination: 1/6 Thaler (1/4 Gulden) Condition: Bent (as usual and as made) by the roller dies, which have produced t ...
WASSERALFINGEN (Germany) 50 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 456 *
Venduta per: $17.0
WASSERALFINGEN (Germany) 50 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 456 *
FEUCHTWANGEN (Germany) 10 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 455 *
Venduta per: $8.0
FEUCHTWANGEN (Germany) 10 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 455 *
DINKELSBUHL (Germany) 50 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 454 *
Venduta per: $17.0
DINKELSBUHL (Germany) 50 Pfennig 1917 - Zinc - Emergency Money - XF - 454 *
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