3 Cent 美利堅合眾國 (1776 - ) 銅/镍



1866 年,美国。美丽的 3 美分铜镍币(Trime)。铸币年份:1866 年参考号:KM-95。设计师:James B. Longacre 面额:3 美分镍币(Trime) 材质:铜镍币 直径:18 毫米 重量:2.21 克 正面:左自由女神冠冕。图例:美利坚合众国 / 1866 年 背面:花环内有罗马数字 (III)。铜镍三分硬币,通常被称为三分镍币或三分镍币,由美国造币厂首席雕刻师詹姆斯·B·朗埃克设计,并于 1865 年至 1889 年由美国造币局铸造。最初很受欢迎,但它在商业中的地位被五分硬币或镍币取代。由于美国内战期间经济动荡期间囤积了贵金属联邦硬币,包括三美分银币,甚至铜镍美分,国会发行了小至三美分面额的纸币来取代囤积的纸币。商业中的硬币。这些小纸条变得又破又脏,公众开始讨厌“护腿膏”。 1864 年,在发行了较轻的青铜分币和两分币并自由流通后,有人提议用铜镍三分币来取代三分币。这些倡导者由宾夕法尼亚州实业家约瑟夫·沃顿领导,他随后控制了国内镍矿石的供应。 1865 年 3 月 3 日,国会会议的最后一天,国会提出了一项关于铜镍合金三美分硬币的法案,未经辩论就通过了参众两院,并由亚伯拉罕·林肯总统签署。尽管最初很受欢迎,但当 1866 年推出 5 分镍币时,3 分镍币变得不那么受欢迎了,这是一种更大、更方便的硬币,5 分的面值更适合十进制。 1870 年后,大多数年份 3 美分镍币的年发行量都很低,1890 年国会废除了它。最后一枚于 1889 年铸造;许多硬币被熔化以铸造更多的五美分硬币。该币并未被广泛收藏,而且按照美国收藏币的标准,稀有日期的价格仍然很低。



134  本组中的钱币
2 3 4

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~185K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1868 Pattern Three Cents. Nickel, plain edge. NGC graded Proof 65 Cameo. Lightly toned with nice brilliant mirrorlike fields. This one employes the familiar Liberty style by James Longacre in which the head is adorned with a tall crested coronet lined on the edge with beads or tiny pearls. The ...

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~158K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1884 Nickel Three Cents. NGC graded Proof 67. Superb, with a hint of light gold tone. 3,942 Proofs struck. Lovely nickel-gray fields spread light in many directions from the smooth Proof-finish surface. We end the luster description though we could extend the discussion into several paragraphs ...

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~179K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1881 Nickel Three Cents. PCGS graded Proof 67 Cameo. CAC Approved. Only 3,575 struck. Light even golden toning. The blazing nickel-bright surfaces are smooth from rim to rim with no carbon to report. Sharply detailed and fully lustrous, both sides possess eye appeal to spare. In this way, from ...

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~176K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1883 Nickel Three Cents. PCGS graded Proof 67 Cameo. CAC Approved. Mostly untoned. Only 6,609 struck. The strike on this issue is nearly always very sharp, and the present bright Superb Gem is no exception. The obverse is essentially pristine. Given the proper amount of strike pressure, the co ...

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~195K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1870 Nickel Three Cents. NGC graded Proof 66 Cameo. CAC Approved. Only 1,000+ struck in Proof. A one-in-a-thousand example of this 1870 Three-cent issue, with abundant luster that shimmers over pristine surfaces (okay, an "eighteen in a thousand" example per the census): Pop 18; 3 finer in 67C ...

(1205 X 600 pixels, file size: ~161K)
发布人: anonymous  2015-03-05
1882 Nickel Three Cents. PCGS graded Proof 67. CAC Approved. Wonderful rainbow toning covers this heavenly Three-cent piece. It is a well-made Proof of which only 3,100 were minted. Pop 85; 7 finer in 68 (PCGS # 3778) . Estimated Value $1,000 - 1,100. Categories:
3 美分硬币是美国货币的一种面额,有两种不同的设计:银质 3 美分硬币和镍质 3 美分硬币 ...   3 美分硬币是美国货币的一种面额,有两种不同的设计:银质 3 美分硬币和镍质 3 美分硬币。以下是每种硬币的简要概述: 3 美分银币 (1851-1873): 3美分银币于1851年发行,最初是为了解决流通中小面额硬币的短缺问题。该银币由75%的银和25%的铜构成,重0.8克,直径14毫米。硬币的正面通常描绘的是自由女神,头戴弗里吉亚帽(自由的象征),周围环绕着星星。硬币背面是罗马数字“III”,周围环绕着月桂花环。由于这些硬币的价值为三美分,因此通常被称为“三美分”。 3 美分银币一直铸造到 1873 年,后因体积小及其他银币的泛滥而停铸。 3 美分镍币 (1865-1889):在内战期间,银币短缺,导致引入替代成分的硬币。 1865年,美国铸币局开始铸造3美分镍币,其中铜含量为 ...
 1923-S Liberty Standing Quarter Dollar. PCGS graded MS-64 PQ. Well struck with the head nearly full. Close examination suggests this is a full head. Lightly toned around the edges. A nice origin ...
售价: $3000.0
1923-S Liberty Standing Quarter Dollar. PCGS graded MS-64 PQ. Well struck with the head nearly full. Close examination suggests this is a full head. Lightly toned around the edges. A nice origin ...
 1919-S. PCGS graded MS-64. CAC Approved. A very popular key date. Light hint of gold tone on the obverse. A well struck near-Gem that has deep silvery mint frost from center to periphery. A few  ...
售价: $8750.0
1919-S. PCGS graded MS-64. CAC Approved. A very popular key date. Light hint of gold tone on the obverse. A well struck near-Gem that has deep silvery mint frost from center to periphery. A few ...
 1919-D. PCGS graded MS-63. CAC Approved. Weak strike as usually seen for the date. But overall a beautiful lustrous untoned example for this rare date. The end of the First World War, celebrated ...
售价: $10550.0
1919-D. PCGS graded MS-63. CAC Approved. Weak strike as usually seen for the date. But overall a beautiful lustrous untoned example for this rare date. The end of the First World War, celebrated ...
20 Dollar 美利堅合眾國 (1776 - ) 金
20 Dollar 美利堅合眾國 (1776 - ) 金
本组有   75 钱币 / 63 售价
1 Dollar 美利堅合眾國 (1776 - ) 銀
1 Dollar 美利堅合眾國 (1776 - ) 銀
本组有   1728 钱币 / 1598 售价
25 Cent 加拿大 銀 维多利亚 (英国君主)
25 Cent 加拿大 銀 维多利亚 (英国君主)
本组有   61 钱币 / 59 售价
2024-09-07 - Historical Coin Prices
5 Pengo 匈牙利王国 (1920 - 1946) 銀 霍爾蒂·米克洛什
2024-09-07 - New coin is added to 1 Kreuzer 奧地利帝國 (1804 - 1867) 銅 弗朗茨二世 (神圣罗马帝国) (1768 - 1835)

    1 Kreuzer 奧地利帝國 (1804 - 1867) 銅 弗朗茨二世 (神圣罗马帝国) (1768 - 1835)
本组有    8 钱币 / 5 售价

AUSTRIA 1 Kreuzer 1816B - Copper - VF+ - 1681
House of Hanover