15 Kreuzer Salzburg Silver

Issue year(s):

Catalog reference:

1690, Salzburg, Johann Ernst von Thun. Beautiful Silver 15 Kreuzer Coin

Mint Year: 1690 Mint Place: Salzburg Reference:  KM-250. R!  Denomination: 15 (XV) Kreuzer Condition: Scattered dark oxidation spots, lightly deformed by the roller dies which have produced this coin, no traces of any previous mounting (except of the toning spot at 12 o’clock, which is probably natural), otherwise a nice XF! Diameter: 27mm Weight: 6.13gm Material: Silver

Obverse: Saint Rupert seated facing, holding crozier and salt barrel, value (XV = 15 Kreuzer) below splitting legend. Legend: S : RVDBERTVS . (XV)  EPS : SALISB : 1690 .

Reverse: Papal legate´s hat with twelve tassels above cross, double coat of arms in foliage below. Legend: IO : ERNEST9 D : G : ARCHIEP : SAL : S : A : L :

The Archbishopric of Salzburg was an ecclesiastical state of the Holy Roman Empire, roughly consisting of the present-day state of Salzburg in Austria.

The diocese arose from St. Peter’s Abbey, founded about 696 by St. Rupert at the former Roman city of Iuvavum (Salzburg). The last Archbishop with princely authority was Hieronymus   von Colloredo, an early patron of Salzburg native Wolfgang Amadeus   Mozart.

Since 1648, the Archbishop of Salzburg has also borne the title Primas Germaniae (“First [Bishop] of Germania”). The powers of this title – now   non-jurisdictional – are limited to being the Pope’s first correspondent   in the German-speaking world, but used to include the right to summon   the Prince-electors. The Archbishop also has the title of legatus natus (“permanent legate”) to the Pope, which, although not a cardinal, gives the Archbishop the   privilege of wearing red vesture (which is much deeper than a cardinal’s   scarlet), even in Rome.

The Archbishopric grew to become one of the most   important Catholic bastions in Europe. Possibly the most bigoted of all   Catholic areas, it expelled the Jews around 1500 and the Protestants in   1731.

Johann Ernst von Thun (July 3, 1643, Graz, Austria – April 20, 1709, Salzburg, Austria) was prince-archbishop of Salzburg, Austria, from 1687 to 1709. He was originally from the south Tyrol and he displayed a marked antipathy to the Italian designers and tastemakers that were emulated by many Austrians at the time. Upon his accession, he halted work on a church being built for an Italian order of monks and denied payment to Italian craftsmen. The archbishop is best remembered as patron of the architect Fischer von Erlach, a leader of Austrian Baroque church architecture. In 1697, the archbishop obliged all graduates of Salzburg’s university to swear belief in the Immaculate Conception. Upon his death, Archbishop von Thun had his brain deposited in the university chapel, his entrails (symbolizing compassion) deposited in his Hospital Church, and his heart interred at his favorite Church of the Trinity.

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Posted by: anonymous  2021-12-08
1690, Salzburg, Johann Ernst von Thun. Beautiful Silver 15 Kreuzer Coin. XF! Mint Year: 1690 Mint Place: Salzburg Reference: KM-250. R! Denomination: 15 (XV) Kreuzer Condition: Scattered dark oxidation spots, lightly deformed by the roller dies which have produced this coin, no traces o ...
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