(900 X 440 pixels, taille du fichier: ~138K)
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Alexander I 1777-1825 1810 2 Kopecks 1810, Suzun Mint, ПБ. Novodel. 13.59 g. Bitkin H485 (R2). GM 22.13. The picture of this very coin is in GM! Extremely rare!! 3 roubles acc. to Iljin. Old ink marks. Attractive brilliant uncirculated with much mint lustre. 2 копейки 1810, Сузунский МД, ПБ. Но ...
(900 X 447 pixels, taille du fichier: ~109K)
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The Sincona-Collection Part II Alexander I, 1777-1825 / Александр I, 1777-1825 1811 2 Kopecks 1811, St. Petersburg Mint, ПC. Novodel. 10.84g. Bitkin H576 (R2). GM 9.19 var. Very rare. Brilliant uncirculated. 2 копейки 1811, СПб МД, ПC. Новодел. 10.84г. Биткин H576 (R2). ГМ 9,19 вар. Очень редки ...